6 Tips To Run Your Child's Birthday Party Like A Pro

Yes google is great when it comes to getting inspirations for your party and getting the best kids party package you can find, but many parents look past how important is it to stay organized and run the party like they own it!

Here are some tips to run your birthday party smoothly!

1. Set the knife, a lighter and plates near the cake cutting table.

Don't assume that someone in the party will have a lighter, even if someone does have one, we do not want to run around looking for that person will the kids are impatiently gathering around the table waiting for the birthday song and the last thing you want is the kids to ruin your cake!

2. Prepare your payment in advance.

If cash payment to required by the kids party entertainer, or the baker, draw the cash from the ATM the day before the event, take note of the daily limit of withdrawal for your card!

If possible, make all payments in advance do you don't have to run around with your wallet and have everyone chasing you for payment at the end of the party.

3. Have someone always available to help you.

Get your brother, sister, auntie, anyone who is willing to be your runner for the party, you will need him/her!

Get them to light the candles, distribute cake, make payment, give out goodie bags, make payment, rearrange furniture for the cake cutting and organizing the rest of the kids.

A lot of parents tend to do all these tasks on their own, on top of trying to get a group photo with everyone, and managing their own kids, can you imagine the stress they are experiencing!

4. Utilitize the entertainer.

If you hire a balloon artist or a kids party magician. Make sure you let them know your plans so they can make an announcement to everyone, and also organize the kids for cake cutting. Kids can get too excited and overwhelming when gathered in front of the cake!

5. Point of contact.

Always have 2 contact numbers provided to your guests and the vendors.

Before the timing you invited your guests, there might be a few phone calls from lost relatives and vendors, you will start to get busy, and will not be able to welcome the guests that had already arrived at the party. That is where the second number is really critical, get them to contact the second number for directions, it could be your spouse's number, or your runner's number!

6. Blow up balloons.

Condominiums in Singapore are confusing, we have multiple function, various staircase to access, sometimes they are at the back of the block, far away from the gate... you get the point!

Make your party visible! Secure a few balloons on railings and walls that leads your guests to your function room. Easy!

See also: Balloon decoration for kids party (Simple DIY).


Bunch up 3-4 balloons and tape them to the walls!

Source: http://sadtohappyproject.com/best-diy-handmade-balloon-decoration-ideas-for-party/

Leave a comment if you need more help!


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